
Notice on Semester Registration of Graduate Students for 2022-2023 Fall Semester
日期:2022-08-18 阅读:1599

Notice on Semester Registration of Graduate Students for  2022-2023 Fall Semester 

Respective schools, dear international graduate students,  According to the “SJTU Notice on the summer holiday arrangement of 2022”, the semester  registration of graduate students for 2022-2023 Fall semester is hereby notified as follows: 

 1.Date & time for semester registration Time: Sept 8th- Sept 11th, 2022.  

2.Venue The registration should be performed online via 交我办 App. For students in China, please  complete your registration on SJTU campus. In case the online registration cannot proceed, please  contact the graduate coordinator of your school or go to the graduate office of your school to  complete the registration within the prescribed time period. 

 3.Graduate Courses The graduate courses will start from Sept 13th, 2022. Please check your course schedule for  details.  For Medical School students, please follow the Medical School’s arrangement.  

4.Registration requirement All the graduate students should complete the registration within the prescribed time period.  For those students who have completed their thesis filing and will graduate in September, 2022,  can be exempted from the semester registration.  

5.Tuitions and fees payment 1) For those who need to pay the tuitions and/or other fees, please make the payment before  the registration.  2) Online payment website: //apply.spinnavhub.com.  

6.Graduation deferment Students who are expected to graduate on September 30st, 2022 could be exempted from the  semester registration. While those who cannot graduate on schedule should apply to extend their  study duration at My SJTU (//my.spinnavhub.com) first and then proceed with the registration.  7.Suspension and resumption of schoolingStudent whose current status is “suspension of schooling” does not need to register. The  students who need resume schooling after suspension shall go through the resumption of  schooling procedure at My SJTU (//my.spinnavhub.com) (Postgraduate-Resume Schooling  Application) first, and then proceed with the semester registration.  

8.Requirement on COVID-19 countermeasures 

In view of the current situation on COVID-19 pandemic, and according to the requirements  of the Ministry of Education, Shanghai Municipal, the following rules should be observed: 

 1) All students are requested to carry out self-health monitoring 14 days before returning.  

2) For students who are not on campus currently, please contact your counsellor on the  possible arrangements. Students in medium/high risk regions are requested not to return the  campus.  Students who fail to complete the semester registration on time will be handled according to  the regulations of academic management regulations.

                                                                                                                                                       Academic Affairs Office, Graduate School  Jul 20th, 2022