
日期:2024-06-11 阅读:7263

中期检查是硕士研究生培养过程的重要环节,也是规范研究生教育管理,保证研究生培养质量的重要举措。中期检查应在学位论文送审前 3 个月进行,根据学校政策要求各学科或课题组统一组织安排。请同学们在2024年6月15日---10月30日之间,在“交我办”上完成学位论文中期检查流程的流转(中期检查报告申请提交、院系初审、导师审核、中期检查安排、中期检查进行、中期检查结果输入、院系审核、学院归档)。


1. 中期检查时间及应达到的基本要求:


2. 中期检查内容


3. 中期检查结果



   1) 学生申请




硕士生中期检查-Mid-term+Exam+for+Master .docx,点击下载硕士生中期检查,填好后上传至交我办。

2) 院系初审


3) 导师审核


4) 中期检查安排


5) 进行中期检查


6) 中期检查结果录入


硕士生中期检查评审表-Mid-term+Exam+Review+Form .docx,点击下载,秘书务必上传填写完整的硕士中期检查评审表



7) 院系审核


8) 归档环节


9) 教务老师统计中期检查报告情况,联系中期检查异常学生,开展学业预警工作。




硕士生中期检查-Mid-term+Exam+for+Master .docx



硕士生中期检查评审表-Mid-term+Exam+Review+Form .docx


Notice about mid-term examination of 2022 grade postgraduates


The mid-term examination is an important link in the process of postgraduate cultivation, and it is also an important measure to standardize the management of postgraduate education and ensure the quality of postgraduate cultivation. The mid-term examination should be carried out three months before the dissertation is submitted for defense. According to the policy requirements of the University, all departments or research groups should be organized and arranged in a unified way. From June 15th to October 30th, 2024, students are requested to complete the circulation of the mid-term examination process of Dissertations in digital SJTU (submission of mid-term examination application, preliminary review of colleges and departments, review of supervisor, arrangement of mid-term examination, progress of mid-term examination, input of mid-term examination results, review of colleges and departments, and filing of colleges and departments).

I. Overview of mid-term examination:


1. Mid-term examination time and basic requirements

Generally arranged at the end of the fourth semester, students are required to complete all the courses specified in the training plan and pass the examination; GPA is not less than 2.7; Thesis proposal of dissertation has passed.


2. Contents of mid-term examination

Students should write the mid-term examination report. The supervisor is responsible for calling an expert group composed of more than 3 experts with master's degree guidance qualification in related disciplines to review the student report. The expert group should appoint the secretary to record the mid-term examination report. The results of the mid-term examination shall be recorded as "pass" or "fail", The mid-term inspection and evaluation form for master's students will be uploaded into digital SJTU by the secretary .


3. Mid-term examination results

The graduate students who fail to pass the mid-term examination should be warned and required to give improvement measures, which should be reported to the Department. After rectification, the mid-term examination can be carried out again in the next semester. If the two mid-term examinations fail, the expert group will make suggestions on dropping out.


II. The process of completing the Mid-term examination as follows:

1) Student Application

Please log into digital SJTU my.spinnavhub.com to apply for the mid-term examination. Students can apply to participate in the mid-term examination on time or later. In principle, all students should participate in the mid-term examination according to the time node, and you can apply for postponement in case of special circumstances; If the node fails to participate and does not apply for postponement of participation and approval, it shall be deemed that fail the mid-term examination. The system will export the study situation of the courses in the student training plan, and you shall pay attention to whether you have met the requirements of the training plan in time. Click "confirm to participate" to upload the mid-term examination form for master, 


 fill your basic information, then upload into the system.


2) Preliminary review by the Department

The academic affairs teacher confirms the student supervisor information.


3) Supervisor review

Confirm the authenticity of the information submitted by the students, confirm the opinions on the students' application, evaluate the students' performance, and confirm the Secretary candidates (teachers, postgraduates and supervisors themselves). If the supervisor disagrees with the application, the process will be transferred to the Department for review.


4) The mid-term examination arrangement

The supervisor shall organize at least three experts from relevant disciplines to form an expert group to participate in the mid-term examination demonstration meeting. The Secretary candidates confirmed, arrange the meeting time and place , and inform the students by Email.


5) Carry out the mid-term examination

The students will give a detailed report on the selected topic at the mid-term examination and demonstration meeting, and the Secretary confirmed by the supervisor will record the meeting.


6) Input the mid-term examination results

The Secretary shall complete the input of Mid-term exam review form

硕士生中期检查评审表-Mid-term+Exam+Review+Form .docx

before October 30, upload relevant record materials, and input the information of expert group personnel. The content of this link is not visible to students, and the relevant materials uploaded are only for archiving and reference.


7) Department review

Confirm the assessment conclusion. If it is not passed, it is necessary to confirm the suggestions for the subsequent cultivation of students. If you fail to pass the first midterm examination, you may be recommended to attend the next midterm examination. If you fail to pass the second Mid-term examination, you may be advised to drop out.


8) Archiving

The educational administration teacher implement filing in digital SJTU, and the system will send an email to inform the students of the results. The assessment result is pass or fail.


9) The educational administration teachers should make statistics of the mid-term examination reports, contact the students with abnormal mid-term examination, and carry out academic warning work.



Student upload below form into digital SJTU: 

硕士生中期检查-Mid-term+Exam+for+Master .docx

Secretary upload below form into digital SJTU for backup: 

硕士生中期检查评审表-Mid-term+Exam+Review+Form .docx