
日期:2013-05-16 阅读:2964

报告时间:  2013年 5月17日,周五 10:00 – 11:30
报告地点:  电信5号楼406
报告人: 林楠 (Nam Ling), 美國加州圣塔克拉拉大学圣菲利波家族讲席教授及计算机工程系系主任
联系人:宋利 [email protected]

Title:Research on High Efficiency Video Coding and its 3D Extension

Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss the latest state-of-the-art video coding technology of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) and our related research. HEVC is jointly developed by the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC) of ISO/IEC Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) and ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG). At the present time, HEVC development has reached its draft international standard stage and achieved a 50% bit-rate reduction as compared to that of the current H.264/AVC video coding standard. Significant increase in resolution and perceptual quality can be expected for home and mobile video applications with future devices and content using HEVC. Beyond 2D video, the work for the 3D extension of HEVC has begun. In the talk, we will also discuss future research challenges addressing HEVC and highlight some of our current research related to HEVC and its 3D extension.

Biography:  Nam Ling is currently the Sanfilippo Family Chair Professor of Santa Clara University (U.S.A) and the Chair of its Department of Computer Engineering. From 2002 to 2010, he was an Associate Dean for its School of Engineering. He has more than 160 publications and standard contributions, including a book, in the fields of video coding and systolic arrays. He is an IEEE Fellow due to his contributions to video coding algorithms and architectures. He is also an IET Fellow. He was named IEEE Distinguished Lecturer twice and received the IEEE ICCE Best Paper Award (First Place). He received six awards from the University, four at the University level (Outstanding Achievement, Recent Achievement in Scholarship, President’s Recognition, and Sustained Excellence in Scholarship) and two at the School/College level (Researcher of the Year and Teaching Excellence). He was a Keynote Speaker for IEEE APCCAS, VCVP, JCPC, IEEE ICAST, IEEE ICIEA, and IET FC & U-Media, as well as a Distinguished Speaker for IEEE ICIEA. He has served as General Chair/Co Chair for IEEE Hot Chips, VCVP, and IEEE ICME. He has also served as a Technical Program Co Chair for IEEE ISCAS, APSIPA ASC, IEEE APCCAS, IEEE SiPS, DCV, and IEEE VCIP. He was a Technical Committee Chair for IEEE CASCOM TC and IEEE TCMM, and has served as a Guest Editor/Associate Editor for IEEE TCAS I, IEEE J-STSP, JSPS, and Springer J MSSP journals. He has delivered more than 110 invited colloquia worldwide and has served as a Visiting Professor/Consultant/Scientist/Scholar for many institutions and companies.