
Online Prognostic Condition Monitoring for Wind Turbine Systems
日期:2017-05-15 阅读:1252

题目:Online Prognostic Condition Monitoring for Wind Turbine Systems


地点:菠菜导航 群楼3-200报告厅



This seminar will begin with an introduction of the Power and Energy Systems Laboratory (PESL) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA. The PESL aims to develop innovative technologies to provide better electric energy security, efficiency, and sustainability. To achieve this goal we carry out leading-edge research in the areas of clean and renewable energy systems, new electrical energy conversion devices, condition monitoring, energy storage systems, power electronics, electric motor drives, electricity market, and modeling and control of complex networks including electric power networks. Then, this seminar will present the pioneering work conducted by the PESL on low-cost, online, prognostic condition monitoring for wind turbines and their mechanical and electrical subassemblies, such as gearbox, bearing, blade, drivetrain, generator, and power electronic converter. The work accomplished by the PESL provides an effective means to address the challenges of high failure rates and high operation and maintenance costs facing the wind energy industry.


Professor Wei Qiao received a B.Eng. degree and an M.Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering from Zhejiang University in 1997 and 2002, respectively, an M.S. degree in High Performance Computation for Engineered Systems from Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) in 2003, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2008.  He joined the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) as an Assistant Professor in 2008, was the UNL Harold and Esther Edgerton Distinguished Assistant Professor from 2011 to 2013 and a tenured Associate Professor (with early promotion and tenure) from 2013 to 2017, and has been promoted to Full Professor (with early promotion) in 2017.  In the past eight years, Professor Qiao’s research has been sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Energy (DOE), Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (APRA-E), Department of Transportation (DOT), state funding agencies, and industry with a total amount of over $7 million.  He has published 65 peer-reviewed journal papers and 135 peer-reviewed conference proceeding papers, and holds one U.S. patent issued and 11 U.S./international patents pending.

Professor Qiao is an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion and the IEEE Power Engineering Letters, an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, and IET Power Electronics, and the secretary of the Sustainable Energy Systems Technical Committee of the IEEE Power Electronics Society.  He was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications from 2010 to 2013 and a Corresponding Guest Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics from 2014-2015.  He has been a member of the evaluation committee for the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award since 2011.


Professor Qiao was the recipient of a 2010 U.S. National Science Foundation CAREER Award, the 2010 IEEE IAS Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award, and several university research and outstanding faculty awards.  He has received four best paper awards from the IEEE Power & Energy Society, Industry Applications Society, and Power Electronics Society.