Voice-based User Interface
日期:2017-10-12 阅读:1547
报告主题:《Voice-based User Interface》
时间: 2017/10/16 下午6点半
地点: 电信群楼3号楼200
Speech is the most natural form of communication among humans and is destined to be the next mode of interaction between humans and
devices, as evidenced by the amount of attention and investment garnered by the robots, smart speakers and voice assistants of mobile
phones, etc. A speech interface typically consists of voice recognition, query understanding, semantic grounding and dialog management. In this talk, I will discuss motivations, challenges, and technologies in these components. I will also present a multi-modal interface CGUI (conversational graphical user interface) which combines the efficiency of speech inputs and graphical outputs.
嘉宾简介:林德康,奇点机智(Naturali)联合创始人,国际计算语言学学会会士(ACL Fellow)。前加拿大Alberta大学计算机系教授、前Google研究院高级管理科学家、Google搜索问答系统的创始人。在自然语言处理及理解领域总共发表过90余篇论文,其研究总计被引用超过14000次。曾任ACL 2002程序委员会联合主席、ACL2011大会主席、ACL 2007北美分会执行委员等。