
Nano-Material Engineered Interconnect Technologies for Heterogeneous System Integration
日期:2018-03-29 阅读:2357

报告人:Prof. Mansun Chan, IEEE Fellow, HKUST

目:Nano-Material Engineered Interconnect Technologies for Heterogeneous System Integration





The scaling of CMOS has encountered many hurdles in the sub-10nm technology nodes as we are approaching the end of the Moore’s Law. The performance limitations have shifted to the interconnect technology to reduce the metal wire resistance as well as the k-value of the interlayer dielectrics. The popular interconnect materials such as copper and tungsten have been found to be insufficient due to increasing resistivity with dimension scaling and electromigration concern under high current density. And using porous structures to form the interlayer dielectrics is subjected to the weakening of the mechanical strength of the dielectric film. New materials such as carbon nanotube (CNT) and graphene have been extensively studied to extend the scaling roadmap for interconnects. However, many barriers have to be overcome before these materials can enter mainstream manufacturing. In this presentation, I am going to present some of the recent progresses in using CNT as a contact plug as well as an agent to form very low k-value interlayer dielectrics.


Prof. Mansun Chan received his BS in Electrical Engineering and Compute Science with highest honors from the University of California at San Diego and then completed his MS and PhD at the University of California at Berkeley. At Berkeley, was one of the major contributors to the unified BSIM model for SPICE, which has been accepted by most US companies and the Compact Model Council (CMC) as the first industrial standard MOSFET model. Subsequently, he joined the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research interests include emerging nano-device technologies, 2-D device for flexible electronics, Artificial Neural Network devices and applications, new-generation memory technology, BioNEMS, device modeling and ultra-low power circuit techniques. Between July 2001 and December 2002, he was a Visiting Professor at University of California at Berkeley and the Co-director of the BSIM program. He is currently still consulting on the development of the next generation compact models.

Prof. Chan has been actively contributing to the professional community and hold many positions. He was a Board of Governor, Chair of the Education Committee, the Chair of the Region 10 subcommittee and a Distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Electron Device Society. He has also chaired many international conferences and acting as editors for a number of technical journals. In addition, he has received many awards including the UC Regents Fellowship, Golden Keys Scholarship for Academic Excellence, SRC Inventor Recognition Award, Rockwell Research Fellowship, R&D 100 award (for the BSIM3v3 project), IEEE EDS Education Award, Distinguished Teaching Award, the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation awards etc. He is a Fellow of HKIE, IET and IEEE.

Nano-Material Engineered Interconnect Technologies for Heterogeneous System Integration