题 目:Fog-enabled Intelligent IoT Services
演讲人: 杨 旸 教授
时 间: 2018年11月23日上午10:00
地 点: 闵行校区软件学院大楼5218会议室
主办方: 菠菜导航
Fog computing has recently attracted a lot of attentions from communication, computing and control communities. Together with cloud computing, edge computing, and sea computing, the research and development of fog computing technologies aims at supporting future intelligent services and societies by providing multi-layer computing resources and a horizontal service architecture across a variety of IoT networks and applications. Specifically, fog computing enables on-site data processing, information retrieval, knowledge creation, performance optimization and real-time decisions in ambient service environments.
Speaker’s Bio:
Dr. Yang Yang is currently a tenured professor at ShanghaiTech University, China, serving as the Executive Dean of School of Creative Arts and a Co-Director of Shanghai Institute of Fog Computing Technology (SHIFT). Before joining ShanghaiTech in July 2018, he has held faculty positions at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Brunel University (UK), University College London (UCL, UK), and SIMIT, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS, China) since 2002. His research interests include wireless sensor networks, Internet of Things, Fog computing, and Open 5G. He has published more than 180 papers and filed more than 80 technical patents in those areas. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Board Member and the Director of Greater China Region for the OpenFog Consortium.