
Flight Control System Design for Multirotor UAVs
日期:2019-05-31 阅读:2551

 Presented by: Prof. Elisa Capello

 Location: Room 3-306, SEIEE building

 Time: Monday 10th to Friday 14th June, 1:30 to 5:30 pm

Introduction to the speaker

Elisa Capello is Assistant Professor of Flight Mechanics at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy) and Research Associate at the Italian National Research Council in the Systems Modeling and Control group. She is member of the IEEE Control Systems Society and of the IEEE Technical Committee in Aerospace Control. She is author of about sixty papers in the field of aerospace engineering, control, automation and robotics. She is involved in research activities about flight mechanics of fixed and rotary wing aircraft, flight simulation, development and testing of unmanned aerial vehicles, design of guidance, control and navigation systems for aircraft and spacecraft. She collaborates with academic institutions, research centers, networks and companies, both in Italy and abroad.

Introduction to the course

The purpose of the course is the training to the practical design of control laws for multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Theoretical and practical aspects of the design process are analyzed. Starting from the mathematical model of the aircraft, classical control techniques are used to provide guidelines for the definition of the flight control system and its implementation in the simulation software. The covered topics include:

 Vehicle reference systems and equations of motion

 Multirotor aircraft system identification

 Rotor thrust and torque modeling

 Stability analysis

 State observer design

 PID, LQR and L1 control laws design and implementation