SJTU-UCLA Joint Workshop on
Electric Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicle
论坛主席: 冯冬涵 教授
Co-Chair: Dr. Peter Chu
Electric vehicle and renewable energy integration Project Lead at UCLA
Mr. Michael Boehm
Industry liaison leader at UCLA Smart Grid Energy Research Center
许少伦 博士
时间 |
议程 |
地点 |
10:00 – 11:30 |
学术报告会: Research and Technology development for EV/AV industry at UCLA and Industry Part-nership via CAEV 主讲人: Dr. Peter Chu |
上海交通大学 (闵行校区) 电信群楼3-200 |
13:45 -14:45 |
学术研讨会: Seminar with discussion by UCLA CAEV Industry Liaison 主讲人: Mr. Michael Boehm |
上海交通大学 (闵行校区) 电信群楼3-208 |
15:00 – 17:30 |
圆桌讨论: Opportunities and Challenges relating to electric vehicles, connected cars and autono-mous technologies and smart infrastructure |
上海交通大学 (闵行校区) 电信群楼3-208 |
朱燕民 教授
上海交通大学菠菜导航 副院长
Canoo - CEO, Stefan Krause
Previously worked as BMW’s Global CFO, Global CFO at Deutsche Bank, CFO and COO at Faraday Future.
ICONIQ MOTORS - Chief Marketing Officer, Bernd Pichler
Previously worked as Executive Vice President Sales, Jaguar Landrover China
Borgward - Global President, Bruno Lambert
June 28, 2019 Shanghai, China |
2019年6月28日 中国 上海 |
主办方: 上海交通大学菠菜导航 国家能源智能电网(上海)研发中心 上海交通大学电气工程系 加州大学洛杉矶分校智能电网研究中心 加州大学洛杉矶分校CAEV联盟
Organized by: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Electronic,Information and Electrical Engineering State Energy Smart Grid R&D Center (Shanghai) Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of Electrical Engineering UCLA Smart Grid Energy Research Center (SMERC) UCLA’s Connected Autonomous Electric Vehicle (CAEV) Consortium