日期:2019-11-25 阅读:1048
近日,我系吴泳澎副教授在国际通信权威期刊IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications和IEEE Network上发表的三篇论文“A Survey of Physical Layer Security for 5G Wireless Networks and Challenges Ahead”,“Computation Rate Maximization in UAV-Enabled Wireless Powered Mobile-Edge Computing Systems,”和“Energy-Efficient NOMA Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks”同时入选ESI高被引论文,其中一篇为第一作者,两篇为通讯作者。
A Survey of Physical Layer Security for 5G Wireless Networks and Challenges Ahead
该工作主要针对5G无线通信网络的物理层安全技术进行了全面综述,从物理层安全编码、大规模MIMO、毫米波通信、非正交多址和全双工通信等多个先进技术进行了分析和总结。对5G and beyond的物理层安全技术面临的挑战和未来研究趋势进行了深入讨论。
[1] Y. Wu, A. Khisti, C. Xiao, G. Caire, K.-K. Wong, and X. Gao, "A survey of physical layer security techniques for 5G wireless networks and challenges ahead, " IEEE J. Sel. Area Commun., vol. 36, pp. 679-695, Apr. 2018.
图1 基于物理层安全大规模MIMO网络
Computation Rate Maximization in UAV-Enabled Wireless Powered Mobile-Edge Computing Systems
[2] F. Zhou, Y. Wu, R. Hu, and Y. Qian, "Computation rate maximization in UAV-enabled wireless powered mobile-edge computing systems," IEEE J. Sel. Area Commun., vol. 36, pp. 1927-1941, Sep. 2018.
图2 无人机辅助无线充电边缘计算网络
Energy-Efficient NOMA Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks
[3] F. Zhou, Y. Wu, R. Q. Hu, Y. Wang, K. K. Wong, and Y. Cai, "Energy-efficient NOMA heterogeneous cloud radio access networks: Enabling techniques and challenges, " IEEE Network., vol. 32, pp. 152 – 160, Mar. 2018.
图3 基于非正交多址接入机制的绿色异构云无线接入网络架构